Dropbox Iconography consists of a set of carefully designed and consistent icons that are used across various platforms, including desktop, web, and mobile applications. These icons are crafted to convey specific meanings, facilitate user interactions, and enhance user experience.
I was assigned with the task of redesigning the Fast Forward and Rewind icons, destined to be integrated into Dropbox's innovative product, known as "Replay."

I delved into Dropbox's treasury of core icons, working with their classic arrow and the whimsically coined "squircle" – a fusion of a square and a circle. I strove to fuse these elements together in an attempt to create icons that not only improve user experience, but could live harmoniously amongst the rest of the icon family.

This version pair was ultimately chosen for its universal appeal and seamless compatibility with other icons in Dropbox's library. This is an example of the icon in situation, living inside the Replay product.